Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jesus and Arthritis

About six months ago, my daughter, Belle, was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis. She is six years old. Today, she is pain free, and we just found out today that the LORD has paid off the bills we incurred for her treatment by our income qualifying us for 100% relief!! We are sooo grateful for both miracles!

This journey has been challenging on two fronts. First, on a natural level, it has been really difficult for Bart and I to watch our child experience pain. She had pain in her feet for a long time before we got a diagnosis. Some mornings it was so bad that she had to be carried into Kindergarten crying. So, when the doctor at Vanderbilt told us that it was arthritis, we were a little relieved that we knew what it was, and could start treatment. However, that treatment was also challenging for Belle and for us. She gets weekly injections of medication, and was put to sleep for steroid injections in her joints. Words can't really describe what it feels like to watch your child walk away with strangers for those shots, and know that you can't go with her. I now know why Jesus says, "Believe ON me" instead of "in me." I believed ON Him, because I was leaning on him to even be able to stand. What a comforter He is!

Secondly, this journey has been challenging to me spiritually. For years, I've worked in the healing ministry. Through prayer, I've seen Jesus heal people of countless illnesses in hopeless situations. I personally have been healed of severe asthma (and prayed for many people who've been healed of asthma), and my husband was healed of hemophilia. We believe in God's healing power. So, of course, Satan always attacks your platform...your place of influence.

We prayed with Belle every day, we had our church and friends pray for her, and believed for instant healing. Everytime we went to Vanderbilt we believed that they would tell us that the arthritis was gone, but that's not what happened. I've found that in times like these, Satan likes to question our faith, our beliefs, and our convictions. He asked questions like, "How can you pray for other people to be healed when you can't even get God to heal your own child?" My answer: Because Jesus is a healer, and "by his stripes, we are HEALED."

You might ask, "Why hasn't God just healed Belle?" My answer is: He HAS! Why haven't we seen the full manifestation of that healing yet? I don't know. Religious people tend to have problems with "I don't know." But that's the truth. And instead of focusing on what I don't know, I choose to focus on what I do know.

I do know that God is a healer, and that He is healing Belle as we speak. As I said before...she is pain free, and there are no more signs of arthritis, and we are believing that after the effects of these shots wear off, there will still be no arthritis.

I do know that God did not give Belle arthritis. He isn't punishing her or us. He isn't trying to teach us something. Like, Romans 8:8 says, He uses ALL things to our good, but He didn't give arthritis to her. Satan did that. The bible says that Satan comes to "kill, steal, and destroy," but that Jesus came so that we may "have life, and more abundantly."

Now, have we learned things and drawn closer to God through this experience? Absolutely. Bart and I have learned how important it is for us to be in unity praying for Belle, and for everything we pray for. We've learned to trust in ways we never have before. Belle and Brie have learned how to pray out loud for healing, how to praise God more heartfeltly, and Belle has learned just how much courage she has in Christ. These very fruits of our journey are the reasons that Satan will be so sorry he ever messed with us in the first place! We are coming out better, stronger, and more confident than ever in the goodness of God!

Jesus is good. He is a healer, a provider, and my peace. Thank you to all our family and friends that have supported us in prayer through this experience. We are blessed beyond measure on all fronts!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Feeling it Leave...

I like to dream with the LORD. I like to imagine with Him the possibilities for my life, and the lives of my husband and children. It's fun...and I think He likes it too.

One of my favorite things to imagine is what I'd do if Bart and I were wealthy. (Now, some religious people are gasping right about now...can you hear it?) Did I really just say that?! Let's be honest...we'd ALL like to have money, and most people know some of the things they'd do with it.

Some of the things are just for us: schooling, savings, decor, cars, vacations, etc. But I also like to dream about what I'd do for the kingdom of God if I had money. Now, I'm not talking about tithes (giving one tenth...we already do that, and that is God's already). If you never tried should, it will Change your Life!! What I'm talking about here is offering.

I always think about two things in particular: 1. I'd like to pay for our church to have a playground, and 2. I'd like to donate money to Eddie James Ministry. His music has blessed my socks off...and gotten me through some really hard times.

I was dreaming about this earlier today, when I heard God's voice say to me: "Do it now."

I said, "WHAT?! Have you seen my bank acct, LORD?"

And He said, "Do it is when you'll FEEL IT is when it matters."

Then, I remembered the Bible verse: "One who is faithful in very little is also faithful in much..." ~Luke 16:10

So...we're going to give now. At the current will take roughly 50 years to pay for the church a playground, and it seems pitiful to send such a small amount to Eddie James each month, BUT God said to do it now. We're going to faithful in the little...and see how God can bless it.

Have you dreamed with God today?!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Flood of Dissipation

1 Peter 4 talks about a "flood of dissipation."

In short, it says that we've spent enough time doing what pagans (people who don't know Christ) do, and living like they live. "They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation..."

So, I looked up the word, "dissipation," and it means: " mental distraction, amusement; diversion."


Honestly, this brings to mind another flood. We've all heard from childhood the story of Noah and the Ark. God flooded the earth because of humanity's exceeding evils, but God first told Noah to build an ark. I've heard before that this ark would've been the size of 3 football fields! Can you imagine?! also stands to reason that it took a LONG time to build it. Don't you know that during that time, people thought Noah was crazy? He probably went years with people telling him and treating him like a lunatic...but then it started to rain, and it kept raining.

Noah gathered his family and the animals onto the ark as the earth began to flood. Can't you imagine that NOW those same people who had tortured him and teased him, ran to him, and probably tried to storm the ark, to get to safety.

It's not in the story...but can you imagine the trauma of that; the trauma of watching everyone on earth drown...and then the isolation of being trapped on a boat with family and a bunch of animals for a LOOONNNGGG time. We know it rained 40 days and 40 nights, but they were on that boat longer than that, because we know that Noah kept sending the dove out to search for land.

Can you imagine what that kind of trauma and isolation would do to a person?!

When I first started reading the Bible for myself, I was SHOCKED to keep reading about Noah after the flood. They never tell you in Sunday school that the first thing he did when he got off that boat was to plant a vineyard, and then he got drunk!! Honestly, can you blame him?

Anyone who has ever been through something stressful or difficult knows what the Bible is talking about when it says "dissipation;" "mental distraction." Amen?

Everytime I go through something stressful or difficult, my flesh and my emotions rise up and all I want to do is either overeat, overshop, veg out on the couch with a good movie or tv show...just lose myself into a distraction...a flood of dissipation. I've battled it this week...I've lost a couple of times. We want comfort so badly.

The important thing is keep reading though. Noah messed up! His drunkeness started a chain reaction, which led to curses for his sons, and division for his family. WHAT FEELS LIKE THE RIGHT THING ISN'T ALWAYS THE BEST THING!

It might feel good right now to overeat...but it's not ultimately what I want! If I let my emotions rule me, then I will miss what God wants me to learn...what he wants me to have, in the end.

So...what is your flood of dissipation?! It could be anything, and that seemingly harmless activity could be keeping you numb to what God wants you to feel...what he wants you to heal.

"The end of all things is near. Therefore, be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Running the Day

"I will listen to what God the LORD says; he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants-but let them not turn to folly."

As I posted earlier this year, the LORD told me that this year He wanted to deal with some of the "chaotic" things in my life, (things that are out of order). And that was no lie.

Just in three months, He has had me examine EVERYTHING I do and everything I am a part of with a discerning eye. What I've learned is that some things are good, some things need to go, and some things can stay, but need to get into order under me.

A couple of months ago, I had just a crazy day. I was running late all day, I was crabby with my husband and the kids. I felt like I was saying, "Hurry hurry" all day. At the end of the day, I'd worked all day and felt like I had little to show for it. I was exhausted. I told God I needed help.

The next day, I got up earlier, I had laid out clothes the night before, I was more conscious of God throughout the day, and I was more "in control" of the elements around me. Then I heard God's voice say to me, "Isn't it better when you run the day, instead of it running you?" And yes, it is better!!

So, I don't have all the answers yet, but I am learning discipline. I'm trying to go to bed earlier, be more prepared for the coming day, spend more time with the LORD, cut back on things that don't REALLY matter, and say "hurry up" less. Also, I've lost 11 lbs.

I am learning, because I'm listening. His ways truly are wonderful.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

1/4 gone or 1/4 of the way there?

Well, it's March!!

Can you believe that 2011 is 1/4 of the way gone?!! Time is flying!

Sometimes I think we focus so much on the business or stress of the tasks at hand (what is right in front of us), that we don't realize that time and its beauty and opportunities are slipping through our fingers.

My Dad wrote Bart a letter once thanking him for being the wonderful man that God picked for me to marry. He told Bart about how he'd been praying for Bart all of my life, and that he saw God's faithfulness and love in the fact that those prayers were answered...that I'm loved and taken care of. I love that letter, and one of the things that struck me about it was when he said that raising his children had been like a cross country train trip...he said he got so caught up in the speed and the scenery that he didn't realize the train was pulling into the station, until it had. That imagery has always really touched me. It was a beautiful trip, Daddy.

As I contemplate it now, it makes me want to somehow cherish these moments while my children are small more than I'm capable of cherishing them. These "hurry, hurry" days seem unending now, but I know they're not. I want to be conscious of what I am teaching them, and of the childhood that I'm "tucking inside their coat pockets."

I resolve to worship with my kids every day if I dance around the house with them, to play more games, more puzzles, read more stories, etc. I want them to KNOW their worth. far as my own train ride goes for this year, are we 1/4 gone or 1/4 of the way there? Something to keep in mind...and the scenery is lovely.

"But from everlasting to everlasting, the Lord's love is with those who fear Him, and His righteousness with their children's children." ~Psalm 103:17

Friday, January 7, 2011

2011 Promise Verse

The end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 have been "challenging" to say the least.

All in the span of two months, we've had:

2 ER visits in the middle of the night
3 of us with pink eye
Bart's surgery complications
3 of us with Bronchitis
5 doc visits
Christmas vacation while sick
Bart's masters work (papers and exams due)
And very little consistant sleep...

So, one night when I was literally up ALL night with Sellick...I decided to use the time to pray (if I was going to up anyway). I told the Lord that I was very excited about the end of 2010, and all the good things that He has for us in 2011.

THEN...I asked Him for a promise verse for this year. I got the idea from Beth Moore (one of my favorite Christian authors).

And God immediately spoke to me. I heard Isaiah. So, I flipped there, and then I heard 54, so I went there, and then I heard "start at 11." I thought "am I hearing right?" But, I flipped to the reference and was astounded at what I knew the LORD was saying to us.

"Afflicted city, lashed by storms, and not comforted, I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with sapphires. I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones. All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their peace. In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you. If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing; whoever attacks you, will surrunder to you.

See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame, and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc; no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me, declares the LORD."

What a comfort!! What a promise!! I encourage everyone to do the same...take a little time and ask God to show you a scripture or bring one to mind (and then go find it, and read all that is around it...ask Him for your promise verse for this year!!)

He already knows what's coming...