Sunday, December 5, 2010

Luke 1--Christmas preparations

I thought that considering the time of year, it would be a perfect time to blog in Luke (the most thorough account of the Christmas story). This is one of my most favorite times of year. The decorations, the food, the music, the anticipation, the family gatherings, and the remembrance of a God that loves us so much that He sent his only son to save the world.

It struck me while I read the first chapter of Luke, that all of the Christmas things we enjoy today are glorious, but they take a lot of preparation. The first chapter of Luke is much the same way. It is the back-story of God's preparations for a coming King.

It all begins with Zechariah and Elizabeth (Mary's cousins). They are older, and Elizabeth has never had a child, even though the bible says that they were both completely righteous in God's sight. While Zechariah was serving the Lord, an angel appeared to him and told him that he would have a son. Zechariah questioned the angel in disbelief, and because of that was made mute until after the child was born.

Around the same time, Mary was also visited by an angel, who told to her that she would have a son, and not just any son...the son of GOD!

I think it's interesting that both Zechariah and Mary questioned the angel, but the way they did it was very different. He said, "How CAN this be?" and she said, "How WILL this be?" His was disbelief (no doubt from years of disappointment hoping for a child), and hers was curiosity (since she was not married). She believed, and he did not.

I think that often disappointment can breed unbelief in our hearts. BUT GOD is faithful. He doesn't always answer our prayers in the way we want or in the timing we want. Sometimes there has to be a process or a preparation. (Just like a child can grow weary or impatient waiting for their Christmas presents). The presents are there, but the time has not come yet. This is where our faith in a GOOD GOD can make the difference. We can grow better or we can grow bitter.

I love the verses: "For no word from God will ever fail." ~Luke 1:37 and
"Blessed is she who believed that God would fulfill his promises toward her." ~1:45

So, as we await the celebration of Christmas, let's examine our lives with God. Let's thank Him for the promises and blessings He has already brought about. Let's realize that He is working all the time on our behalf in whatever process we are in now, and let's joyfully look forward to our future in Him. My hope is that whenever my time of visitation comes that I will answer in faith, because I will never grow tired of looking for Him.

Merry Coming-Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. That was a good one and so relevant to this time of year! What a good story too about believing and having faith!
