I like to dream with the LORD. I like to imagine with Him the possibilities for my life, and the lives of my husband and children. It's fun...and I think He likes it too.
One of my favorite things to imagine is what I'd do if Bart and I were wealthy. (Now, some religious people are gasping right about now...can you hear it?) Did I really just say that?! Let's be honest...we'd ALL like to have money, and most people know some of the things they'd do with it.
Some of the things are just for us: schooling, savings, decor, cars, vacations, etc. But I also like to dream about what I'd do for the kingdom of God if I had money. Now, I'm not talking about tithes (giving one tenth...we already do that, and that is God's already). If you never tried tithing...you should, it will Change your Life!! What I'm talking about here is offering.
I always think about two things in particular: 1. I'd like to pay for our church to have a playground, and 2. I'd like to donate money to Eddie James Ministry. His music has blessed my socks off...and gotten me through some really hard times.
I was dreaming about this earlier today, when I heard God's voice say to me: "Do it now."
I said, "WHAT?! Have you seen my bank acct, LORD?"
And He said, "Do it now...now is when you'll FEEL IT LEAVE...now is when it matters."
Then, I remembered the Bible verse: "One who is faithful in very little is also faithful in much..." ~Luke 16:10
So...we're going to give now. At the current rate...it will take roughly 50 years to pay for the church a playground, and it seems pitiful to send such a small amount to Eddie James each month, BUT God said to do it now. We're going to faithful in the little...and see how God can bless it.
Have you dreamed with God today?!